In the larder this week from 28th May 2024
This week will be busy at Duns Fair Share. We will have the What Matters Hub at the café on Tuesday and Citizens Advice will be available during both sessions.
The freezer will have salmon from Farne and we still have some of the smokey bean and veg chilli available. New in the freezer this week are some Little Moons chocolate ganache ice-creams.
The fridge will have streaky bacon, pork medallions, jumbo pork sausages, tomato and pasta salad, chicken and vegetable soup, Cornish pasties and sweet & fiery beetroot. Lots of choice. Our wonderful fridge was kindly donated by Berwickshire Housing Association. A huge thank you from everyone at Duns Fair Share. Having the fridge has made an enormous difference to the range we can offer.
This week we have had a delivery from Eildon Housing which has included some gluten free items and lots of fruit and vegetables. We will also have our usual wonderful range of bread and bakery goods donated by the Co-op and potatoes from Greenvale.
Come along and help stop all this food going to landfill.
We are open on Tuesday and Thursday 10 – 12 noon