Breaking News
From Tuesday 12th March, Duns What Matters Hub (Scottish Borders Council) will be based at 15 Murray Street on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month between 10.00 am – 2.00 pm. The What Matters Hub offers drop-in sessions and appointments where you can meet social workers and occupational therapists as well as people from community groups and voluntary organisations including:
ALISS https://www.aliss.org/
Alzheimer’s Scotland https://www.alzscot.org/
Borders Carer Centre https://www.borderscarerscentre.co.uk/#
Borders Independent Advocacy Service (BIAS) http://www.bordersadvocacy.org.uk/
British Red Cross https://www.redcross.org.uk/
Chest, Heart and Stroke Scotland https://www.chss.org.uk/
Domestic Abuse Service https://www.scotborders.gov.uk/directory/21/domestic_abuse_services
From Thursday 11th April we will host Citizens Advice Bureau at 15 Murray Street – watch this space for further information.